Clean labeling means advertising food stating that certain ingredients, such as food additives or flavorings, are not used.

This is the requirement for all Moguntia Food Service products.

Difference with Free-from products

The consumer asks for products that do not use unnatural preservatives or are free from allergens – or what is perceived as an allergen. Products with a free label are often viewed as healthier than products without such a label, research shows.” Free-from” is a subgroup of clean label products, although the two terms are used interchangeably by the public. The difference lies in their focus: Clean Label is more associated with minimally processed foods.

We distinguish between three product names:

Type 1:

Clean Label

Type 2:

Clean Label Allergen

Type 3:

Clean Label Supreme

Clean Label

No additives in the ready-to-eat
ration, which according to § 9 additive approval
Ordinance in community catering and
Gastronomy recognizable on the menus
need to be done.

Clean Label Allergen

No additives in the ready-to-eat
Preparation, according to § 9 additive approval
prescription and without the addition of
Allergens according to EU: VO (EU) 1169/2011 die
at the delivery in the communal catering
on menus or other offer lists
must be identified. Technological
unavoidable traces cannot be ruled out.

Clean Label Supreme

No additives and allergens in the consumable
finished preparation, according to § 9 ZZulV and EU:
VO (EU) 1169/2011 which is indicated
Need to become. Technologically unavoidable
Traces cannot be excluded.
Products without the addition of yeast ex-
tract and puffy vegetable ingredients.



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